As we work on this project we will keep this list updated with our thoughts and suggestions for the City of Toronto's Vision Zero, police and politicians.
The City
1. Real-time reporting of collisions
2. Investigation progress (status of initial safety report and follow up safety reports)
3. Reconstructions and summaries of incident
4. Status and outcomes of engineering investigations
5. Scheduling and status of infrastructure improvements and changes
6. Delays in the process (either for staffing or other reasons)
7. Issues identified which are beyond the cities control and whether they have been actioned (ie legal changes, recalls, etc.)
1. Status of investigations
2. Public checklist of when it is required to close a road
3. Public checklist of safety items that must be complete to re-open a road
1. List of pending charges (ie. before the courts)
2. List of convictions and sentences
3. Status of appeals
4. Status of coroner's investigations
Infrastructure Changes
1. Sidewalks on both sides of road in school zones
2. Complete school zone improvements
3. Bikelanes in all school zones
4. Crosswalks changed to tri-color - at minimum flashing red, raised crosswalks, add bumpouts, paint
5. Clairity on timing of yellow lights, walk signals, etc. (ie public formula, which lights are compliant)
6. Plan to roll out temporary and permanent bumpouts to improve turn geometry city wide
7. Increased use of stop lines, zebra patterns city wide
8. Plan to redo highway/bikelane interfaces city wide
9. Plan to add cement bikelane protection on all existing routes, including bridges city wide
Legal Changes
1. Speed Limiters in School Zones on all new vehicles
2. Mandatory cool-off period on vehicles detected to be driven erratically by software
3. Pedestrian crash tests impact safety score
1. All data available via open-data website
2. Collection and distribution of "black-box" data and camera's by default for all fatal collisions
3. Reconstruction data provided for no cost in fatal collisions
4. Improvements to Provincial and National fatal collision databases to include infrastructure status